
Customer Support

  1. Customers often buy large quantities of products at a time.
  2. Customers are concentrated. They are mostly located in main cities such as Bangkok or in industrial estates.
  3. Be able to predict demand for industrial products. From the assessment of demand for consumer products
  4. Demand is inelastic. The purchasing decision takes into account the product features. Technical complexity that requires expertise, quality, and price of products and the relationship between customers and SE
  5. Trading and service periods depend on the value. and technical complexity that is specialized Including the duration of the project.
  6. Customers have the opportunity to expand. or expand the production base
  7. Customers tend to trust the abilities and technical knowledge of personnel and rarely change vendors.
  8. Customers often have a network of entrepreneurs together. This causes SE to be recommended by word of mouth.
8 industry scaled 1