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Letters to the SET

NovemberManagement’s discussion and analysis, 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2023Summary Operating results of the company, 3rd quarter (F45) (reviewed)
OctoberScheduled traditional holidays for the year 2024 of SiamEast Solutions Public Company Limited
SeptemberInviting shareholders to propose agendas for the 2024 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, questions and names of directors in advance
AugustSummary of operating results of the company, 2nd quarter (F45) (reviewed)
MaySE’s capital increase shares begin trading on May 25, 2023Notify Registration of paid-up capital increase with the Department of Business Development Ministry of CommerceForm Report on dividend allocation (F53-5) Registered reduction of registered capital of SiamEast Solutions Public Company Limitedword Management’s explanation and analysis, 1st quarter ending 31 March 2023Summary Operating results of the company, quarter 1 (F45) (reviewed) Publish the minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the company’s website.
AprilNotification of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2566
MarchPublishing the invitation to the 2023 Annual General Meeting of ShareholdersNotify Resolution of the Board of Directors Concerning the dividend payment proposal for the year 2022 and setting the date and agenda for the 2023 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (editing dividend payment details)
FebruaryNotification of the resolution of the Board of Directors Concerning the dividend payment proposal for the year 2022 and setting the date and agenda for the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (edited)Notify Resolution of the Board of Directors Concerning the dividend payment proposal for the year 2022 and setting the date and agenda for the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (edited)Notify Resolution of the Board of Directors Concerning the dividend payment proposal for the year 2022 and setting the date and agenda for the 2023 Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting (edited Template)Summary Company operating results for the year (F45) (audited)word Management’s explanation and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2022Notify Resolution of the Board of Directors Concerning the dividend payment proposal for the year 2022 and setting the date and agenda for the 2023 Annual General Shareholders’ MeetingNotify Results of granting shareholders rights to propose meeting agendas and nominate people to be selected Being a director of the company For the annual general meeting of shareholders 2566
November15 Nov. 2021Financial Statement Quarter 3/2021 (Reviewed)
15 Nov. 2021 • Summary of operating results of the company. Quarter 3 (F45) (Reviewed) (Revised)
15 Nov. 2021 • Management explanation and analysis. 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2021
19 Nov. 2021 • Notification of annual business holidays 2022
June21 June 2021 • Report on sales results of common stocks offered for sale to Existing common shareholders (F53-5)
23 June 2021 • SE’s capital increase shares Trading begins on June 24, 2021
May10 May 2021 • Publication of the notice of rights to subscribe for new ordinary shares on the website of SiamEast Solutions Company Limited. (Public)
April2 April 2021 • Opinion of the independent financial advisor on the asset acquisition and related transactions.
5 April 2021 • Publication of the invitation to the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
27 April 2021 • Notification of change in meeting location and measures for attending the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and approval of the establishment of a subsidiary of the Company (edit Template)
29 April 2021 • Shareholder meeting resolution
March3 March 2021 • Financial statements for the year 2020 (audited) (corrected notes to financial statements, section 28.1)
8 March 2021
• Board resolution, dividend payment Entering into related transactions, increasing capital, allocating additional common shares Set date for shareholder meeting 2021 (edit PDF)
10 March 2021 • Board resolution to amend dividend payment approval (edit PDF item 5, page 4 and Template)
February23 February 2021 • Financial statements for the year 2020 (audited) • Summary of operating results of listed companies for the year (F45)(Audited)
January22 January 2021 • Giving shareholders the right to propose agenda items for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and nominate individuals to be considered for election as company directors. and propose questions in advance of the 2021 shareholder meeting
November26 November 2020 • Notification of annual business holidays
11 November 2020 • Management’s discussion and analysis for the 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2020 • Summary of operating results of the company. Quarter 3 (F45)(Reviewed) • Financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2020 (reviewed)
August19 August 2020Notification of compensatory holidays in place of the traditional Songkran holiday for the year 2020.
Financial Statement 2nd Quarter 2020 (Reviewed)Summary of operating results of the company in the 2nd quarter. (F45)(Reviewed)Management’s discussion and analysis for the 2nd quarter. 2 ends on 30 June 2020Summary of the operating results of the company in the 2nd quarter. (F45)(Reviewed)Financial Statement 2nd Quarter 2020 (Reviewed)
July8 July 2021Notification of compensatory holidays in place of the annual traditional Songkran holiday. 2020
1 July 2020Publish the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. On the company’s website
June18 June 2020Resolutions of the shareholder meeting (revised)
17 June 2020Resolutions of the shareholder meeting
May19 May 2020 Publishing the invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. 2020 (revised) Publication of the invitation to the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
13 May 2020Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 1 (F45)Financial Statement for Quarter 1/2020 (Reviewed)Notification of the directors’ resolution Set the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and acknowledge the interim dividend payment.
April7 April 2020Postponement of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Approval of Interim Dividend PaymentNotification of the directors’ resolution Set the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and dividend payment.Postponement of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Approval of Interim Dividend Payment
March25 March 2020Publishing the invitation to the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
24 March 2020 Notification of cancellation of the company’s annual traditional holiday. 2020
February25 February 2020Management’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2019Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45)Annual financial statement 2019 (audited) Notification of the directors’ resolution. Set the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and dividend payment.
20 February 2020Notification of the results of granting shareholders rights to propose agenda items. and nominate persons to be considered for election as directors. At the annual general meeting of shareholders 2020
24 March 2020 Notification of cancellation of the company’s annual traditional holiday. 2020February25 February 2020Management’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2019Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45)Annual financial statement 2019 (audited) Notification of the directors’ resolution. Set the date for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and dividend payment.
20 February 2020Notification of the results of granting shareholders rights to propose agenda items. and nominate persons to be considered for election as directors. At the annual general meeting of shareholders 2020
November27 November 2019Notification of shareholders’ rights to propose agenda items for the general meeting of shareholders and nominate persons to To be considered for election as a company director. and propose questions in advance of the 2020 shareholder meeting
25 November 2019Notification of holidays for the year 2020
13 November 2019Management’s discussion and analysis, 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2019Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 3 (F45)Financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2019 (reviewed)
October15 October 2019Form to notify change of user list
August20 August 2019Notification of change of CFO/ Accounting Supervisor
14 August 2019Resignation of Director Appointment of directors and organizational restructuringManagement’s discussion and analysis, 2nd quarter ending 30 June 2019Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 2 (F45-2)Financial statement for 2nd quarter 2019 (reviewed)
June28 June 2019Resolutions of the shareholder meeting (revised)
May14 May 2019Management’s discussion and analysis, 1st quarter ending 31 March 2019Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 1 (F45-2)Financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2019 (reviewed)
7 May 2019Publish the minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the company’s website< /td>
April24 April 2019Resolutions of the shareholder meeting
March27 March 2019Publishing the invitation to the annual general meeting of shareholders. 2019
February26 February 2019Notification of the directors’ resolution Set the date for the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and dividend payment.Management’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2018Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-2)Annual financial statement 2018 (audited)
7 February 2019Notification of the results of granting shareholders rights to propose meeting agendas and nominate persons to be elected as directors. AGM 2019 Committee
January25 January 2019Notification of change to Website Domain
10 January 2019Notification of change of CFO/ Accounting SupervisorNotification of director resignation
December4 December 2018Notification of shareholders’ rights to propose agenda items for the general meeting of shareholders. and nominate individuals to be considered for election as company directors. and propose questions in advance of the 2019 shareholder meeting
November22 November 2018Notification of holidays for the year 2019
14 November 2018Management’s discussion and analysis, 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2018Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 3 (F45-2)Financial Statement 3rd Quarter 2018 (Reviewed)
August10 August 2018Management’s discussion and analysis, 2nd quarter ending 30 June 2018Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 2 (F45-2)Financial statement for 2nd quarter 2018 (reviewed)
July31 July 2018Report on use of capital increase proceeds
May8 May 2018Management’s discussion and analysis, 1st quarter ending 31 March 2018Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 1 (F45-1)Financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2018 (reviewed)
April25 April 2018Resolutions of the shareholder meeting (revised 1) 24 April 2018Notification of resolutions of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 3 April 2018Report on the opinion of the independent financial advisor. In the list of assets acquisition and related items
February23 February 2018Notification of the directors’ resolution Acquisition of assets and entering into connected transactions Dividend payment Appointment of directors whose terms have expired Appointment of auditors Consideration of amendments to regulations and setting the date for the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
22 February 2018Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-1)Management’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2017Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-1)Annual financial statement 2017 (audited)
January31 January 2018Report on the use of additional capital received from the public offering of common shares
December1 December 2017Notification of shareholders’ rights to propose agenda items for the general meeting of shareholders. and nominate individuals to be considered for election as company directors. and propose questions in advance of the 2018 annual shareholder meeting
November20 November 2017Notification of holidays for the year 2018
10 November 2017Management’s discussion and analysis, 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2017Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 3 (F45-1)Financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2017 (reviewed)
August9 August 2017Management’s discussion and analysis, 2nd quarter ending 30 June 2017Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 2 (F45-1)Financial statement for 2nd quarter 2018 (reviewed)
July31 July 2018Report on use of capital increase proceeds
May11 May 2017Management’s discussion and analysis, 1st quarter ending 31 March 2017Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 1 (F45-1)Financial statements for the 1st quarter of 2017 (reviewed)
April26 April 2017Notification of resolutions of the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
7 April 2017Edit information in the 2016 annual information form (Form 56-1)
3 April 2017Publishing the invitation to the annual general meeting of shareholders. 2017
February23 February 2017Notification of the board resolution Dividend payment Appointment of directors whose terms have expired Appointment of auditors and set the date for the 2017 annual general meeting of shareholders
22 February 2017Notification of the board resolution Dividend payment Appointment of directors whose terms have expired Appointment of auditors and set the date for the 2017 annual general meeting of shareholdersManagement’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2016Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-1)Annual financial statement 2016 (audited)
10 February 2017Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 3 (F45-1)Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-1)Management’s discussion and analysis, 3rd quarter ending 30 Sep. 2016Summary of the company’s operating results. Quarter 3 (F45-1)Financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2016 (reviewed)Management’s discussion and analysis for the year ending 31 Dec. 2015Summary of the company’s operating results. Annual (F45-1) Annual financial statement 2015 (audited)Policy for submitting financial statementsMAI Stock Exchange adds products: SE, trading starts on February 14, 2017< /td>