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Loctite 1280x600 1

Loctite industrial glue

industrial glue Helps to adhere to the surface of the workpiece or machine and adhere. They range from quick-drying glue to masking tape. that is resistant to pressure and impact, suitable for use in structural work to thread locking adhesives for machinery To cause the nut to stick and not cause the thread to loosen. May cause damage to machinery.
Loctite glue may be well known in large industries. That solves the problem of machine bolts and nuts ejecting. If the bolts release, they may cause damage to our machines. Not including the various types of glue that Loctite has divided the types of glue into each product group, including thread locking glue, thread sealing glue, gasket glue, quick drying glue, and also cleaning liquids and oil stain removers.

Benefits of using Loctite glue

  1. Prevents vibration and shock
  2. Can be used with metals such as brass, copper, and non-rusting steel.
  3. Protects against liquid and chemical corrosion
  4. Resistant to high heat
  5. Easy to use. Dries quickly